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Keller Anderle Scolnick LLP - Unrivaled Trial Lawyers











KAS attorneys

With another year in the books, we at Keller Anderle Scolnick LLP would like to thank our clients, partners, and colleagues for a terrific 2024. We are proud of our successes and would like to share some of them with you.

Trials and Other Case Wins

Guardant Health v Natera

Jennifer Keller, Chase Scolnick, Greg Sergi, and Craig Harbaugh won a $292.5 million dollar jury verdict for Guardant Health in the Northern District of California. This verdict is one of the largest Lanham Act false advertising verdicts in United States history. Our team proved that Natera salted the launch of our client's cancer detection test with false advertising. We also won issue and monetary sanctions against our opposing counsel at Quinn Emanuel. The monetary sanctions hearing is coming up, as is the issue of attorneys' fees.

L'Occitane Inc. v Zimmerman Reed LLP

Chase Scolnick and Jay Barron successfully defended the law firm of Zimmerman Reed against claims filed by L'Occitane alleging our client violated the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Our team was able to secure an early dismissal after motion practice.

Jung Min Lee v Foris Dax, Inc; First Republic Bank; Jesse Sarshar v JPMorgan Chase Bank; JPMorgan Chase Bank v. FDIC

Jeremy Stamelman and Justin Calderon successfully obtained the dismissal of all claims against the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in two separate lawsuits, one in the Northern District of California, and the other in the Central District of California, involving First Republic Bank.

Yeo Bai Lee v Christy Ryoo; K&L Supply Co.

Jeremy Stamelman and Jay Barron obtained in Santa Clara Superior Court summary judgment in favor of our defendant clients on all claims asserted in a fraud, breach of contract, and elder abuse action seeking approximately $40 million in damages.

Emrani v Emrani

Anand Sambhwani and Justin Calderon successfully opposed a motion for receivership over Venice Investments and 20 affiliates that own and manage substantial real estate in Southern California and Nevada. The outcome allowed the companies to avoid automatic loan defaults and acceleration of loans exceeding $50 million dollars.

Taranjeet Chopra v Vacation Pools, Inc.

Anand Sambhwani won an early dismissal of a nationwide class action TCPA claim alleging millions in damages against YoungLA, a lifestyle clothing headquartered in Los Angeles, CA.


We were pleased to add Chase Scolnick as a name partner.

We welcomed Ben Barron and Brad Marrett, from the U.S. Attorney's Office. Ben and Brad headed up the Santa Ana Office as Chief and Deputy Chief. We look forward to many productive years working with them.

We also welcomed Charlotte Rose, who had just finished her judicial clerkship with Judge John Holcomb in the Central District of California. Charlotte's work experience before Stanford Law School, as a Deloitte business consultant, will be an added benefit for our clients.

Samantha Flattery has also joined our team as a senior associate. Sam brings several years of experience as an associate at Covington & Burling. She graduated from UCLA Law School, Order of the Coif, in 2021.

Honors & Awards

  • Jennifer Keller was ranked by Chambers USA and Chambers Global in Band 1 for Commercial Litigation, and for Trials. Kay Anderle was recognized by Chambers USA in General Commercial Litigation.
  • Chambers ranked the firm "highly regarded" in Commercial Litigation (for the third year).
  • The firm was recognized for a "Top Verdict" by the Daily Journal for the firm's defense verdict in MGA Entertainment Inc. v. Clifford T.I. Harris et al.
  • The Daily Journal named Ben Barron a "Top 100 White Collar Lawyer."
  • Chase Scolnick was chosen for the Daily Journal's "Leading Commercial Litigators in California" list. He was named to the Daily Journal's "Top 100 Lawyers in California" last year.
  • Four partners were named to the 2024 "Lawdragon 500 Leading Lawyers in America."
  • Eight partners were selected to 2025's "Lawdragon 500 Leading Litigators in America."
  • Four partners were named "2025 Litigation Stars" by Benchmark Litigation, a premier guide to the world's leading litigation firms and lawyers. Jennifer Keller was recognized on its list of "The Top 100 Trial Lawyers in America," for the 8th time.
  • Three partners were selected as Fellows of the Litigation Counsel of America, an invitation-only organization limited to the top one-half of one percent of the nation's attorneys.
  • Seven attorneys were recognized by Best Lawyers® 2025 and Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch® 2025.
  • Eight attorneys were included in the 2024 Southern California Super Lawyers®.
  • Jennifer Keller was selected to the Daily Journal's "Top 100 Lawyers in California" for the 17th time.
  • Jennifer Keller was named to the Daily Journal's "Top Women Lawyers in California" for the 15th time
  • Jennifer Keller was chosen by the Daily Journal to its list of "Leading Commercial Litigators in California."
  • Kay Anderle was named by Best Lawyers® 2025 as the Bet-the-Company Litigation Lawyer of the Year for Orange County.

Leadership Positions, Publications, Speaking, and Community Involvement

  • Ben Barron and Brad Marrett's article, "Looking Ahead at Health Care Enforcement: Telehealth, Medicare Advantage, and AI" was published by the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals.
  • Chase Scolnick is Co-Chair of Lawyer Representatives from the Central District of California to the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference. He is also the 2025 President of the Federal Bar Association's Orange County Chapter.
  • Jennifer Keller is a Trustee of the UC Berkeley Foundation and serves on the Board of Directors for the Cal Poly Humboldt Foundation. She is the Southern California Chair of the American College of Trial Lawyers. Jennifer is also a board member for Teach Democracy (formerly the Constitutional Rights Foundation of Los Angeles).
  • Ben Barron serves on the Boards of Directors of the Anti-Defamation League of Orange County and Long Beach, the Federal Bar Association OC Chapter, and the Harvard Law School Association of Orange County. He is also Co-Chair of the American Bar Association White Collar & Criminal Litigation Committee. Ben spoke to the American Bar Association, Criminal Justice Section, on "Hot Topics in Healthcare and Anti-Kickback Enforcement."
  • Jeremy Stamelman is the incoming Chair of the OCBA Business Litigation Section.
  • Shaun Hoting serves on the Orange County Bar Association Administration of Justice Committee, and the OCBA Legislative Resolutions Committee.
  • Greg Sergi is the outgoing Chair of the OCBA Business Litigation section.
  • Jennifer Keller spoke to the Beverly Hills Bar Association for the Trial Skills Series, on "Direct Exam of Lay Witnesses and Experts," and "Cross-Examination."
  • Jennifer Keller and Chase Scolnick presented to the Federal Bar Association, Orange County Chapter, on "Beyond the Headlines: Litigating High-Profile Sexual Assault Claims in Federal Court."






Keller Anderle Scolnick LLP | 18300 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 930, Irvine, CA 92612


