We have represented both individuals and corporations as plaintiffs and defendants in securities industry matters including government lawsuits, tax appeals, and shareholder oppression investigations and lawsuits.
- Represented Standard & Poors in a multi-billion dollar FIRREA action.
- Represented plaintiff and largest minority shareholder of a leading consumer goods manufacturer in a $250 million shareholder oppression case.
- Represented plaintiff in a $300 million TEFRA action against the government.
- Retained by the founder of a major home design manufacturer to investigate shareholder oppression.
- Obtained in 2020 for a former board director dismissal with prejudice of an investor’s federal securities fraud action filed in the Central District of California.
- In 2018, won a trial verdict for a private equity fund and two senior executives after trial asserting fraud claims against them in the $115 million sale of a payments company.
- Represented the world’s second largest mining company in an SEC suit and associated class actions alleging a Section 10(b) violation about the timing of an impairment taken in a $4 billion project in Africa.
- Represented a Fortune 500 insurer in an SEC investigation, class actions, and derivative suits following the insurer’s restatement of earnings.
- Represented eight underwriter defendants in securities class action lawsuits involving more than $50 billion in mortgage-backed securities.
- Obtained dismissal with prejudice of a minority shareholders’ “bump-up” action seeking to challenge a merger transaction, with dismissal based on the exclusivity of the appraisal remedy under California law.
- Obtained dismissal with prejudice of securities litigations against a technology company facing allegations of stock option backdating.
- Represented a large financial institution in successfully obtaining the dismissal of securities claims relating to the acquisition of a major provider of residential mortgages.