You are Invited to Support


The Chapman University’s Public Interest Law Foundation’s “2020 Black & White” event is an annual charity awards benefit that raises money for law students to become involved in public interest work.   Keller/Anderle would like to encourage our friends and colleagues to attend this year’s event to support the Foundation on Thursday, March 26, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m., at the Dale E. Fowler School of Law, Kennedy Hall, Chapman University.

Per the Foundation, “Chapman University’s Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF) is dedicated to creating new and innovative opportunities for law students to engage in critically needed public interest work. PILF works to provide summer grants to law students so they can serve in unpaid and volunteer positions in the public interest field.  The 2020 Black & White Benefit is both a fundraiser for PILF and a ceremony honoring those in our community doing public interest legal work.”

Jennifer Keller is very honored to be recognized this year as the “Katherine Baird Darmer Commitment to Public Interest Award” honoree by the Foundation, in recognition of her decades of servicing the local community.  Joanna Wong, supervising attorney for the Family Law Unit at Public Law Center (PLC), will be honored with the “Excellence in Public Interest” award.


Ticket Information