Jennifer L. Keller


T: 949.476.8700
F: 949.476.0900


Commercial Litigation
Intellectual Property
Insurance Recovery/Bad Faith
White Collar Criminal Defense
Legal Malpractice

University of California, Hastings College of the Law, J.D.

University of California, Berkeley, A.B.

Senior Research Attorney, California Court of Appeal, 4th District, Div. 3

State Bar of California

United States Supreme Court

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

U.S. District Court, Central, Southern, Northern and Eastern Districts of California

District of Arizona

District of Colorado

Orange County Bar Association: President (1996); Officer (1993-1997); Board of Directors (1991-93), Member (present)

Governor Gavin Newsom’s Judicial Selection Advisory Committee for Orange County

Trustee, UC Hastings College of the Law Foundation (2012-2017)

OC Chapter of Federal Bar Association

Orange County Asian American Bar Association

UC Hastings College of the Law Alumni Association, Board of Governors (2010-2012)

Chapman University School of Law, Dean’s Board of Advisors (1995-2013)

Chancery Club of Los Angeles, member (invitation only) (2015-present)

State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization, Commissioner (2002-2005)

State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization, Criminal Law Advisory Commission Chair (1993-94), Vice-Chair (1992-93) and Commissioner (1990-92)

Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference, Lawyer Representative (1996-99)

Public Law Center of Orange County, Board of Directors (1995-2000)

California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Board of Governors (1992-93)

Master Bencher, American Inns of Court, William P. Gray Legion Lex Inn

Senior Research Attorney, Justice Edward Wallin, Calif. Court of Appeal, 4th District, Div. 2 (1989-92)

Board of Trustees, UC Berkeley Foundation (2023-    )

Chapman University, Board of Trustees (2012-2022)

Anti-Defamation League of OC & Long Beach, Regional Board Member (2008-present)

Teach Democracy, Board of Directors (2020-present)

Democratic Foundation of Orange County, Board of Directors (2000-present)

The California State Polytechnic University Humboldt Foundation, Board of Directors (2019-present)

Southern California chapter of the International Women’s Forum, Board of Directors (2014-2017)

Distinguished Fellow, University of California, Irvine, Center for Psychology & Law (2014-2016)

Life Member, The Sierra Club

Beverly Hills Bar Association Trial Skills Series, “Direct Exam of Lay Witnesses and Experts,” (July 9, 2024, Beverly Hills, CA)

Federal Bar Association, Orange County Chapter, “Beyond the Headlines: Litigating High-Profile Sexual Assault Claims in Federal Court,” (May 23, 2024, UC Irvine)

William P. Gray Legion Lex Inn of Court, “Anthony Rapp v. Kevin Spacey: A Back-to-Basics Success Story in a High Stakes, High Profile Media Jury Trial in a Federal Court in Manhattan,” presenter (2023)

Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles (WLALA), “28th Annual Litigators Forum,” (March 27, 2023)

The Rutter Group/California Judges’ Association, “Examining Trial Issues from A to Z: The Masters’ Perspective,” Professional Witnesses Take the Stand: Admissibility Issues After Sargon and Sanchez, panel with Justice Halim Dhanidina, Dana Alden Fox and Judge Michelle Williams Court (February 2020)

National Association of Women Lawyers, 15th General Counsel Institute, “Eliminating Bias and Leveraging Diversity: Lessons for Lawyers from War and Diplomacy,” panel with Nahal Kazemi (November 7, 2019, New York, NY)

California Lawyers Association, annual meeting, “Being Human in Trial: Establishing a Relationship with Your Jurors,” “Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame” series (October 10, 2019, Monterey, CA)

National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms’ (NAMWOLF), Annual Meeting & Law Firm Expo, “Shark Tank: Sink or Swim at Trial ,” (September 24, 2019, Los Angeles, CA)

Association of Corporate Counsel, Primer for Successful Litigation Management: “10 Ways Experienced Trial Counsel Can Help Your Company Obtain an Optimal and Efficient Settlement Without Going to Trial,” panel with Cheryl Diaz, Samuel N. Shapiro and Maureen Watson (May 16, 2019, Denver, CO)

Federal Bar Association of Orange County, Annual Civil Practice Seminar, “Trials and Error: Keys to Success and Avoiding Pitfalls at Trial,” panelist with Judge Josephine Staton, Chris Arledge and Kenneth Parker (May 14, 2019, Santa Ana, CA)

Banyard Inn of Court, “The Colonies Corruption Trial,” Costa Mesa, CA (03/28/2018)

The Rutter Group/California Judges’ Association, “Annual Advanced Civil Procedure Seminar,” e-discovery panel with Magistrate Judge Steve Kim, Orange County Superior Court Judge Glenda Sanders and attorney Bart Williams, Los Angeles, CA (02/10/2018)

Orange County Business Litigation Section, “Santa Claus on Trial,” Ms. Keller successfully defended Santa against claims of fraud, intentional infliction of emotional distress and trespassing brought by a disgruntled child and his mother after the child did not receive the gift he claimed Santa had promised him, and the mother claimed damage to her roof from Santa’s sled.  The plaintiffs were represented by attorney Daniel Callahan.  Newport Beach, CA (12/02/2016)

Consumer Attorneys of the Inland Empire and the Orange County Trial Lawyers Association, “Masters Panel” on damages, featuring Jennifer Keller, Mark Robinson, Wylie Aitken and Tom Girardi.  Ms. Keller’s topic was “Damages In The Plaintiff Business Case – “Humanizing” Your Company.” Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort in Rancho Mirage, CA (5/21/2016).

Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, 21st Annual Litigators Forum, “If I Could Pass Along One Important Lesson …” panel with Patti Glaser and Sharla Frost (4/21/2016)

California Judges Association/Rutter Group Advanced Civil Litigation Seminar, “A Conversation with the Trial Masters,” featuring Jennifer Keller, Tom Girardi and Tom Nolan (1/31/2015)

Practising Law Institute’s California Trial Advocacy 2014, “Jury Selection,” San Francisco, CA (7/31/2014)

Association of Business Trial Lawyers, Los Angeles Chapter, “Impeachment,” panelist, Los Angeles, CA (4/23/2014)

Association of Business Trial Lawyers, San Diego Chapter, “Cross-examination demonstration taken verbatim from the  Mattel v. MGA trial,”  San Diego, CA (2/04/2014)

National Trial Lawyers, Trial Summit on Prosecutorial Misconduct, “Tricks, Traps and Travesties: Keep Your Guard Up to Avoid,”  Miami, FL (1/21/2014)

Practising Law Institute’s California Trial Advocacy 2013, “Jury Selection,” San Francisco, CA (8/07/2013)

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Annual Trial Seminar, “Dealing with cross-cultural issues during jury selection,” San Francisco, CA (7/26/2013)

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, West Coast White Collar Seminar, Lake Tahoe, CA (6/6-7/2013)

Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, “Business Development,” Culver City, CA (4/30/2013)

Association of Business Trial Lawyers, Mock Trial Closing Argument in a Class Action Invasion of Privacy Case, Annual Hawaii Seminar (Kauai, October 2011);  “Barbie versus Bratz:  Inside the Dollywood Trial” (Orange County) November 2011, (Los Angeles) December 2011

Los Angeles Daily Journal and JAMS, “Top Verdicts of 2011 Roundtable” (broadcast live and recorded, Los Angeles, CA  5/16/2012)

Consumer Attorneys Association of California, Inland Empire, 2012 Palm  Springs Seminar, “Handling Media in the High-Exposure, Complex Case (Rancho Mirage, 4/28/2012)

“Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles, 2012 Las Vegas Seminar,” “Notable Closing Arguments from The Masters” (Las Vegas, 9/7/2012)

State Bar of California, Intellectual Property Section, “Strategies for Trying the Trade Secret Case,” (6/18/2012 Webinar)

American Inns of Court, “Barbie vs. Bratz: The Epic Doll Battle” Robert P. Banyard Inn (Costa Mesa 1/25/2012) Warren J. Ferguson Inn (Newport Beach 5/10/2012) William P. Gray Inn (Costa Mesa, 1/9/2013)

Orange County Trial Lawyers Association, Closing Argument Panel (2/2012)

Broadcom Corporation, “Perils of Attorney-Client Privilege with In-House Counsel,” In-House Counsel Group (2/14/2012), Irvine, CA, live and by webinar; International HR Conference (3/22/2012)

Litigation Counsel of America, Trial Lawyers’ Honorary Society, Keynote Speaker, Annual Meeting (Yountville, CA) Fall 2008

California Public Defenders Association, Homicide Seminar, 3/86 (OC); Sentencing Seminar, 12/89 (Sacramento); Faculty: Trial Skills Institute, 7/90 (San Diego); Advanced Trial Skills Institute 1/92 (Squaw Valley), 1/96 (Oxnard), 1/97 (Squaw Valley), 1/99 (Lake Tahoe), 2/02, 2/03 (Palm Springs); Annual Seminar, 4/92 (San Diego); “Establishing Trial Themes 4/04 (San Diego).

California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Prop. 115 Seminars, “Preliminary Hearings,” 6/90 (LA), 7/90 (SF, SD), 12/90 (SF). Faculty, Advanced Trial Advocacy Workshop,, 8/92 (Asilomar); Faculty, Trial & Appellate Advocacy Workshop, 7/93, 8/99 (Asilomar); Faculty, “Three Strikes Seminar,” 4/94 (Anaheim, Santa Monica); Faculty, Fall Seminar Appellate Program, “Oral Argument Demonstration,” 12/94 (San Francisco); “Voir Dire,” San Diego, 5/2001; “Cross-Examination of Experts”, Las Vegas (2004); Cross-Examination of Law Enforcement Witnesses, Annual Meeting, 12/09 (San Francisco).

Continuing Education of the Bar (CEB), “Expert Witnesses in Criminal Cases” (LA, Orange County) 6/96

360 Advocacy, “Cross-Examination of Law Enforcement Officers” (Las Vegas) 4/10

The Rutter Group, Criminal Law for Civil Practitioners (Irvine) 1/99

California State Bar Convention, White Collar Crime (Anaheim) 9/94

OCBA Lecturer or Panelist, “Advocacy in the Modern Trial,”(6/2001);  “When the FBI Calls” (1/2001, 1/2002);  “Over the Line:  White Collar Crime” (1/99);  “The Last 60 Days: Preparing Your Witnesses for Trial” (9/10/98); Winner, “Top Gun” Closing Argument Competition (5/19/98); “Closing Argument in Civil Cases,” (6/2005). “Making Rain in A Dry Season,”(10/09); “Ethical Issues in Mattel v. MGA,” OCBA Corporate Counsel Section (1/2012)

Demonstrative Evidence: Tell and Show,” Jennifer Keller and Chase Scolnick, (Litigation Journal, American Bar Association, Spring 2021)

Why You Should Hire a Trial Attorney for a Case That Will Never Go to Trial,” Jennifer Keller, (Orange County Business Journal, November 16, 2020)

The Waning Days of Sunshine in the Securities Class Action Plaintiffs’ Paradise,” Jennifer Keller and Jesse Gessin, (Orange County Business Journal, October 16, 2017)

September 19, 2023 – Hall of Fame: Jennifer Keller – Lawdragon Magazine

November 17, 2022 – Successful defense of Kevin Spacey was a case study in trial preparation – Daily Journal

October 20, 2022 – Kevin Spacey Found Not Liable in Civil Sexual-Misconduct Case Brought by ‘Rent’ Star Anthony Rapp – Wall Street Journal

October 20, 2022 – Kevin Spacey Is Cleared of Anthony Rapp’s Battery Claim – New York Times

October 20, 2022 – Closing Arguments – Kevin Spacey – Anthony Rapp Trial – Ana Chevalier

October 17, 2022 – Kevin Spacey testifies in his defense in civil trial – CNN

October 11, 2022- Kevin Spacey Lawyer Blitzes Anthony Rapp In Cross-Examination At $40M Civil Trial

October 8, 2022 – Kevin Spacey’s attorney takes aim at actor Anthony Rapp in trial opening statements

September 27, 2022 – Kevin Spacey Seeks to Limit Testimony of Expert Witness From Ghislaine Maxwell Case

January 7, 2022 – 2021 Irish Legal 100, “Premium Keller”

September 15, 2021 – Daily Journal – “Profile of Jennifer Keller, Top 100 Lawyer in California”

August 9, 2021 – CashCall’s $1B suit against Katten Muchin settles on eve of trial

August 9, 2021 – Katten Muchin Strikes Tentative Settlement in Legal Malpractice Lawsuit

July 20, 2021 – Ericsson, TCL Settle Wireless Tech Patent Licensing Battle

July 12, 2021 – Katten Faces $950M Malpractice Lawsuit After Judge Rejects D.C. Damages Rule

September 16, 2020 – Daily Journal – “Profile of Jennifer Keller, Top 100 Lawyer in California”

March 3, 2020 – Coronavirus Chaos – The feds back off an idea to house patients in a Costa Mesa facility close to Orange Coast

February 25, 2020 – Judge orders talks over plans to move virus patients to a California city

February 24, 2020 – A Rare Legal Battle: Can a State Force a City to House Coronavirus Patients?

February 21, 2020 – Costa Mesa gets court order to keep Fairview Developmental Center from use as coronavirus quarantine site

September 18, 2019 – Daily Journals list of “The Top 100 Lawyers in California”

July 26, 2019 – Commentary: Mayor Foley’s foresight bodes well for her constituents

March 27, 2019 – “Daily Journal” CLAY Award profile – “Writing the legal blueprint for cities as it relates to sober-living homes”

January 11, 2019 – Keller Anderle & Scolnick case makes list of “Top 10 Most Impressive Verdicts of 2018”

March 19, 2018 – Jennifer Keller featured in Orange County Business Journal’s “Law Firms Special Report”

February 28, 2018 – Law 360 – MassMutual Didn’t Stiff Policyholder Class, Jury Finds

February 23, 2018 – Law 360 – Expert’s Calculations Are Focus At Close Of MassMutual Trial – Jennifer Keller gives closing argument

January 30, 2018 – “Southern California Super Lawyers” magazine – feature article “The Trial Specialist” 

November 9, 2017 – Anthony Pellicano Severed From Anita Busch’s Trial Against Michael Ovitz

October 25, 2017 – Daily Journal selects Keller Anderle & Scolnick to “Top Boutiques” list

August 29, 2017 – “CBS News” 3 of 4 Defendants Found Not Guilty in 2011 Corruption Case

August 29, 2017 – “Inland Empire Daily Bulletin” – Not Guilty: Developer, Two Former Officials are Acquitted in Years Long Case

August 29, 2017 – “The Press Enterprise” – Colonies Corruption Trial: Not Guilty

August 29, 2017 – “US News” – 3 Not Guilty in Long San Bernardino County Corruption Trial 

August 29, 2017 – “The Sun” – 3 of 4 Colonies corruption defendants found not guilty on all charges

May 31, 2017 – “The Sun” – Credibility of key witness in Colonies trial challenged

May 30, 2017 – “The Sun” – Defense attorney grills key Colonies trial witness on his dishonesty

May 17, 2017 – “The Sun” – Colonies key witness says he’s ‘100 percent certain’ there were no bribes

May 10, 2017 – “The Sun” – Postmus refused to acknowledge PAC contributions as bribes in Colonies case

May 4, 2017 – “The Sun” – Defense attorney suggests Postmus giving coached testimony in Colonies corruption trial

March 11, 2017 – “San Bernardino County Sentinel” Gonzales’ Misdating Of China Trip Throws Her Account Into Question, “… Within that hour, Keller made considerable progress in dismantling all, or at least much, of what the prosecution had established with Gonzales …

March 8, 2017 – “The Sun” – Colonies corruption trial – Jennifer Keller cross-examines County Supervisor

March 7, 2017 – “The Sun” – Supervisor Gonzales testifies about China trip in Colonies corruption trial

June 23, 2016, Orange County Bar Association recognizes Jennifer Keller for “Lawdragon” selection

March 14, 2016, Orange County Bar Association recognizes Jennifer Keller for “American College of Trial Lawyers” selection

February 19, 2016, Orange County Bar Association recognizes Jennifer Keller and Kay Anderle for “Southern California Super Lawyers” selections

May 13, 2015: Daily Journal lists Jennifer Keller to list of California’s “Top Women Lawyers” for 7th time

February 26, 2015: Jennifer Keller named to Lawdragon list of top “500 Leading Lawyers in America”

September 15, 2014, “Orange County Bar Association congratulates Jennifer Keller and other OCBA members for ‘Top 100’ Lawyers achievement”

September 10, 2014, Jennifer Keller recognized on list of “Top 100 Lawyers in California” by the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals

May 7, 2014, Jennifer Keller selected to “Top Women Lawyers of California” list by the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals

September 21, 2013, Human-trafficking case against Saudi princess dismissed — Keller and defense team successful

May 8, 2013, Los Angeles & San Francisco Daily Journal, “Top Women Lawyers”

April 18, 2013, Los Angeles Daily Journal, “S&P enlists heavyweights in DOJ suit”

September 12, 2012, Jennifer Keller selected once again as one of “Top 100 Lawyers in California”

August 26, 2012, LawDragon 500 “Lawyer Limelight” interview of Jennifer Keller (PDF); or see LawDragon web version

February 20, 2012, San Francisco Recorder Attorneys of the Year for 2011 (Jennifer Keller)

September 27, 2011, Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals, Jennifer Keller selected as one of “The Top 100 Lawyers in California”

June 13, 2011, National Law Journal video of Jennifer Keller by Amanda Bronstein

“Her ability to quickly grasp what’s going on is only matched by her ability to package everything up into incredible narratives.  She excels in all aspects, from discovery through to trial.”

- Chambers

“Exceptional on every metric.”

- Chambers

“Keller is widely regarded as one of the best trial lawyers in California.”

- Chambers

“Keller has uncanny instincts, a wonderful courtroom demeanor and she’s an extremely clear and effective communicator.”

- Chambers

“Keller is absolutely unflappable in court and builds a strong rapport and credibility with judges and decision makers.”

- Chambers

“The consummate trial lawyer.”

- Chambers

“When you go to trial with Jennifer Keller you come back with a win.”

- Chambers

“Revered for her versatility and ease in front of a jury … the go-to trial attorney for difficult cases.”

– The Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals

“Keller’s performance [in the MGA v. Mattel trial] added to her reputation as one of the most versatile and toughest trial lawyers in the nation.”

- Lawdragon

“Keller…is no stranger to high-stakes cases, whether criminal or civil.”

- Lawdragon

“How a Last-Minute Lawyer Victoriously Turned the Tide in the Bratz Doll Case”

– The Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals

“Costa Mesa Hires High Profile Attorney to Defend Against Sober-Living Lawsuits”

- L.A. Times

“We would like to give those cities some advice: hire Jennifer Keller. Keller is a hall of fame trial lawyer, widely regarded as the best in the county.”

– Katrina Foley, then-Mayor of Costa Mesa, and John Stephens, current Mayor of Costa Mesa, quoted in the Los Angeles Times

“Ms. Keller is the most gifted litigator with whom I have ever worked. She is not only a leader and brilliant case manager, but also the most effective trial attorney I have seen. She is the best of the best.”

Douglas Shooker, Auerbach Acquisition Associates

“I have seen many great trial lawyers in my life and Jennifer Keller stands right up there with the greatest. I highly recommend Ms. Keller as a lead trial lawyer for any complex litigation.”

Isaac Larian, CEO, MGA Entertainment

“She’s phenomenal, effective, understated and her advocacy is impeccable. She asks the best questions and is really talented.”

- Chambers

“Jennifer’s ability to quickly grasp what’s going on is only matched by her ability to package everything up into incredible narratives.”

- Chambers

“Jennifer is one of the most talented and skilled trial lawyers in the country. She’s smart, very personable, and reads the room like nobody else I know. If I were in trouble, I would hire her.”

- Chambers

Jennifer Keller is one of America’s most successful trial attorneys. She represents both plaintiffs and defendants in a broad range of high-stakes commercial litigation and white collar cases. Chambers USA and Chambers Global rank her among the top commercial litigators in the nation, quoting sources who describe Jennifer as “widely regarded as one of the best trial lawyers in California.” “She has uncanny instincts, a wonderful courtroom demeanor and she’s an extremely clear and effective communicator,” and “is absolutely unflappable in court and builds a strong rapport and credibility with judges and decision makers.”  “When you go to trial with Jennifer Keller you come back with a win.”  She is a Fellow of the invitation-only American College of Trial Lawyers, considered to be among the highest honors a North American trial attorney can receive. The Legal 500, among the most prestigious international legal directories, recommends Jennifer as one of just 70 “leading trial lawyers” in the entire United States. Jennifer is also a 2018 inductee into the California Lawyers Association Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame, one of only 36 attorneys so honored throughout the years. Benchmark Litigation lists her as one of the “Top 100 Trial Attorneys in America” and among the “Top 20 Trial Lawyers in California,” calling her a “National Litigation Star.” In 2020 and in 2021, Super Lawyers ranked Jennifer #1 in Southern California. “Revered for her versatility and ease in front of a jury … the go-to trial attorney for difficult cases” is how Jennifer is described by The Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals, ranking her as a “Top 100 Lawyer in California” for over 15 years. In three separate years (2019, 2018 and 2012), in starkly different subjects, Jennifer’s trial victories have led to California Lawyer Magazine Attorneys of the Year (CLAY) awards for extraordinary achievements in litigation.

Jennifer made a last-minute entrance as lead counsel for MGA Entertainment in the 2011 retrial of Mattel v. MGA, the epic doll battle popularly known as “Barbie v. Bratz.” Coming into the four-month jury trial just twelve days before jury selection, Jennifer captained MGA to a win Reuters called “an astonishing loss” for Mattel and the LA Times deemed “a stunning reversal of fortune” for MGA. The jury found Mattel had no rights to the Bratz doll line and awarded MGA $85 million in damages for theft of its own trade secrets, to which the judge added $85 million in punitive damages. (While the damages judgment was reversed on appeal, MGA’s $139 million attorneys’ fee award stands.)


Jennifer L. Keller



University of California, Hastings College of the Law, J.D.

University of California, Berkeley, A.B.


Senior Research Attorney, California Court of Appeal, 4th District, Div. 3


Jennifer Keller is one of America’s most successful trial attorneys. She represents both plaintiffs and defendants in a broad range of high-stakes commercial litigation and white collar cases. Chambers USA and Chambers Global rank her among the top commercial litigators in the nation, quoting sources who describe Jennifer as “widely regarded as one of the best trial lawyers in California.” “She has uncanny instincts, a wonderful courtroom demeanor and she’s an extremely clear and effective communicator,” and “is absolutely unflappable in court and builds a strong rapport and credibility with judges and decision makers.”  “When you go to trial with Jennifer Keller you come back with a win.”  She is a Fellow of the invitation-only American College of Trial Lawyers, considered to be among the highest honors a North American trial attorney can receive. The Legal 500, among the most prestigious international legal directories, recommends Jennifer as one of just 70 “leading trial lawyers” in the entire United States. Jennifer is also a 2018 inductee into the California Lawyers Association Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame, one of only 36 attorneys so honored throughout the years. Benchmark Litigation lists her as one of the “Top 100 Trial Attorneys in America” and among the “Top 20 Trial Lawyers in California,” calling her a “National Litigation Star.” In 2020 and in 2021, Super Lawyers ranked Jennifer #1 in Southern California. “Revered for her versatility and ease in front of a jury … the go-to trial attorney for difficult cases” is how Jennifer is described by The Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals, ranking her as a “Top 100 Lawyer in California” for over 15 years. In three separate years (2019, 2018 and 2012), in starkly different subjects, Jennifer’s trial victories have led to California Lawyer Magazine Attorneys of the Year (CLAY) awards for extraordinary achievements in litigation.

Jennifer made a last-minute entrance as lead counsel for MGA Entertainment in the 2011 retrial of Mattel v. MGA, the epic doll battle popularly known as “Barbie v. Bratz.” Coming into the four-month jury trial just twelve days before jury selection, Jennifer captained MGA to a win Reuters called “an astonishing loss” for Mattel and the LA Times deemed “a stunning reversal of fortune” for MGA. The jury found Mattel had no rights to the Bratz doll line and awarded MGA $85 million in damages for theft of its own trade secrets, to which the judge added $85 million in punitive damages. (While the damages judgment was reversed on appeal, MGA’s $139 million attorneys’ fee award stands.)

“Her ability to quickly grasp what’s going on is only matched by her ability to package everything up into incredible narratives. She excels in all aspects, from discovery through to trial.”
- Chambers

“Exceptional on every metric.”

- Chambers

“Keller is widely regarded as one of the best trial lawyers in California.”

- Chambers

“Keller has uncanny instincts, a wonderful courtroom demeanor and she’s an extremely clear and effective communicator.”

- Chambers

“Keller is absolutely unflappable in court and builds a strong rapport and credibility with judges and decision makers.”

- Chambers

“The consummate trial lawyer.”

- Chambers

“When you go to trial with Jennifer Keller you come back with a win.”

- Chambers

“Revered for her versatility and ease in front of a jury … the go-to trial attorney for difficult cases.”

– The Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals

“Keller’s performance [in the MGA v. Mattel trial] added to her reputation as one of the most versatile and toughest trial lawyers in the nation.”

- Lawdragon

“Keller…is no stranger to high-stakes cases, whether criminal or civil.”

- Lawdragon

“How a Last-Minute Lawyer Victoriously Turned the Tide in the Bratz Doll Case”

– The Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals

“Costa Mesa Hires High Profile Attorney to Defend Against Sober-Living Lawsuits”

- L.A. Times

“We would like to give those cities some advice: hire Jennifer Keller. Keller is a hall of fame trial lawyer, widely regarded as the best in the county.”

– Katrina Foley, then-Mayor of Costa Mesa, and John Stephens, current Mayor of Costa Mesa, quoted in the Los Angeles Times

“Ms. Keller is the most gifted litigator with whom I have ever worked. She is not only a leader and brilliant case manager, but also the most effective trial attorney I have seen. She is the best of the best.”

Douglas Shooker, Auerbach Acquisition Associates

“I have seen many great trial lawyers in my life and Jennifer Keller stands right up there with the greatest. I highly recommend Ms. Keller as a lead trial lawyer for any complex litigation.”

Isaac Larian, CEO, MGA Entertainment

“She’s phenomenal, effective, understated and her advocacy is impeccable. She asks the best questions and is really talented.”

- Chambers

“Jennifer’s ability to quickly grasp what’s going on is only matched by her ability to package everything up into incredible narratives.”

- Chambers

“Jennifer is one of the most talented and skilled trial lawyers in the country. She’s smart, very personable, and reads the room like nobody else I know. If I were in trouble, I would hire her.”

- Chambers
Commercial Litigation
Intellectual Property
Insurance Recovery/Bad Faith
White Collar Criminal Defense
Legal Malpractice

Chambers USA and Chambers Global, recommended in General Commercial Litigation Band 1, and Trials (of all types) Band 1

Fellow, American College of Trial Lawyers

The Legal 500, USA Edition, Leading Trial Lawyers (2021-2023)

Benchmark Litigation “Top 100 Trial Lawyers in America” (2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018), “The Top 20 Trial Lawyers in California” (2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019)

Lawdragon Hall of Fame (2023)

The Lawdragon 500 Leading Lawyers in America (2012-2025)

Lawdragon Legend (2020)

The Lawdragon 500 Leading Litigators in America (2023-2025)

The Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals, “The Top 100 Lawyers in California,” (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2009, 2007, Editors’ Pick 2001)

California Lawyer Magazine Attorneys of the Year (CLAY Award), Municipal Law (2019), White Collar Criminal Defense (2018), Intellectual Property Litigation (2012)

The Irish Legal 100 (2021-2024)

Benchmark Litigation “Top 250 Women in Litigation” (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017)

California Lawyers Association “Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame” (inducted 2018)

Senior Fellow, Litigation Counsel of America (by invitation only, limited to top ½ of 1 percent of lawyers nationally)

Los Angeles Magazine, “Southern California Super Lawyers”: Ranked #1 Super Lawyers Southern California (2020-2021); Ranked either #1 or #2 Super Lawyers Southern California (2019-2024); Top 10 Southern California Super Lawyers (2018-2025), Top 100 Southern California Super Lawyers (2016-2025), “Top 50 Orange County Super Lawyers” (18 times), “Top 50 Southern California Women Super Lawyers” (16 times); “Super Lawyers in Business Litigation, Intellectual Property Litigation, Professional Liability: Plaintiff, and White Collar Criminal Defense” (2006-2025)

The Best Lawyers In America®, S. Naifeh & G. Smith (2004-2025 eds.); Bet-The-Company Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Intellectual Property Litigation, Securities Litigation, Legal Malpractice-Plaintiffs, White Collar Criminal Defense, and Professional Malpractice-Plaintiffs; Orange County Lawyer of the Year – Criminal Defense (2013); Orange County Lawyer of the Year – White Collar Criminal Defense (2017 and 2022)

The Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals, “California’s Top Women Lawyers” (2024, 2023, 2022, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2007, 2002)

The Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals, “California’s Leading Commercial Litigators” (2023-2025)

The Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals “Top Verdicts” (2018, 2023, 2024)

Federal Bar Association of Orange County, Alicemarie Stotler Award for lifetime achievement (2024)

Business Today, “USA’s Most Influential Trial Lawyers (2023)

The San Francisco Recorder, Attorneys of the Year (2012)

The National Trial Lawyers, “The Top 100 Trial Lawyers in California” (2008-2014)

Orange County Trial Lawyers Association, Business Litigation Trial Lawyer of the Year (2010)

Orange County Business Journal, “OC 500 Directory of Influence” (2023, 2021, 2020, 2019)

The National Law Journal, Annual “Winning” Edition (2012)

Member, Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum

Orange County Women Lawyers, Attorney of the Year (2003)

Anti-Defamation League of Orange County & Long Beach, Jurisprudence Award (2001)

Orange County Trial Lawyers Association, Criminal Defense Trial Lawyer of the Year (2000)

Public Law Center of Orange County, Attorney of the Year (1996)

The Constitutional Rights Foundation of Orange County, Lawyer of the Year (1983)

State Bar of California, Wiley Manuel Award for Pro Bono Service (1998)

Martindale-Hubbell “AV” rated since 1983. Listed, Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers

In 2024, Jennifer won one of the largest Lanham Act false advertising verdicts in history, in Guardant Health Inc. v. Natera Inc. The jury trial verdict was a complete sweep for Guardant Health: $75 million for corrective advertising, $42 million for disgorgement of profits and $175.5 million in punitive damages. The trial was held in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.

In 2023, Jennifer represented MGA Entertainment in a trademark and intellectual property jury trial involving its highest grossing doll line. MGA’s LOL dolls gross over $5 billion dollars annually and is MGA’s most popular product. MGA sued OMG GIRLZ for declaratory relief and a finding that it is not infringing on OMG’s mark. OMG filed a counter-claim against MGA and its founder for $100 million alleging violation of the Lanham Act. The jury returned a complete verdict in favor of MGA in less than two hours.  The Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals recognized this win as a Top Defense Verdict in 2023.

Jennifer represented a co-founder of a company that sells designer women’s plus size clothing, in her lawsuit alleging tortious interference against the Silicon Valley investor that forced her out. A favorable settlement was reached in 2023 for our client.

In 2022, Jennifer tried and won a unanimous defense jury verdict for Kevin Spacey in the Southern District of New York.  Mr. Spacey had been sued for sexual battery by actor Anthony Rapp.

In 2011, as lead counsel for MGA, Jennifer won the retrial of Mattel v. MGA (aka “Barbie v. Bratz”), a billion-dollar “bet the company” copyright infringement and trade secret misappropriation case. MGA had lost a previous trial, been ordered to pay Mattel $100 million in damages, and was forced to surrender the Bratz brand to Mattel. In the retrial, which Jennifer entered just 12 days before trial began, the jury found that MGA owned the entire Bratz brand and rejected all of Mattel’s claims.  Additionally, Mattel was ordered to pay MGA $85 million for theft of MGA’s trade secrets, plus $85 million in punitive damages and over $139 million in attorneys’ fees. (Although the damages award to MGA was reversed on appeal, the judgment awarding $139 million in attorneys’ fees stands.)  Mattel v. MGA Entertainment et al, USDC Central District of California.

In 2009, Jennifer was lead counsel for the plaintiff in a five-month business fraud jury trial in Los Angeles. The jury awarded $300 million in compensatory damages and $50 million in punitive damages. The case settled in bankruptcy court for $120 million.  Auerbach Acquisition Associates v. Daily, LASC.

In 2021, Jennifer represented CashCall Inc. as plaintiff in a landmark legal malpractice suit against an AmLaw 100 law firm, Katten Muchin.  This suit was one of the largest such cases ever seen in the country with over $850 million in damages.  After years of hard-fought litigation, Jennifer and the K/A team achieved a landmark settlement on the eve of trial.

In 2019, Jennifer and the K/A team settled Broadwood Investments v. The United States, in which the client, Broadcom co-founder Henry Nicholas, sued for relief from an IRS denial of his attempted deduction for distressed Chinese debt.  Shortly before trial, the Government settled and allowed a deduction of $40 million plus significant interest.  It was a nationwide first for such a deduction to be allowed.

In 2018, Jennifer won a jury verdict for MassMutual Life Insurance Co. in a bellwether class action jury trial in Los Angeles.  The class claimed it had been unfairly deprived of dividends.  The jury found it had not, which led to the collapse of a nationwide class.  The trial was covered live on CVN, which named it one of the Top Defense Verdicts of the year, as did the Daily Journal.

Also in 2018, Jennifer obtained a unanimous federal defense jury verdict for the City of Costa Mesa in the case of Yellowstone Women’s First Step House et al v. Costa Mesa.  A network of sober living home operators contended the City had violated the FHA and ADA by passing an ordinance regulating them.  For this verdict Jennifer won her third CLAY Award (California Lawyer Magazine Attorneys of the Year) in Municipal Law.  It was also featured as one of the Daily Journal’s Top Defense Verdicts of the year.

Jennifer defended Standard & Poors in United States v. McGraw-Hill Companies, in the government’s lawsuit alleging that S&P inflated the ratings of certain mortgage-backed securities.  After years of hard-fought litigation, the case settled for $1 billion — less than one-fifth of what the government had initially demanded.

In a 2013 Los Angeles County Superior Court trial, Jennifer along with Kay Anderle as co-counsel for the plaintiff in a breach of contract, fraud and conversion jury trial won nearly $5 million for their client, including $1.4 million in punitive damages.  Larian v. Talassazan, LASC-Santa Monica.

Jennifer won a defense jury verdict for a law firm accused of wrongfully terminating the plaintiff, the head of its billing department, due to her alleged “whistleblowing” on billing fraud.

Jennfier has also defended the county CAO in the groundbreaking Orange County bankruptcy litigation, civil and criminal, and before the Securities and Exchange Commission; he was never indicted or fined.

Jennifer achieved a defense verdict for an university in a multi-million-dollar, six-month fraud and misrepresentation jury trial; plaintiffs were students in its inaugural law school class. The jury awarded them zero damages.

Jennifer has represented on civil or administrative matters, several judges, the Orange County District Attorney and the Sheriff.

State Bar of California

United States Supreme Court

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

U.S. District Court, Central, Southern, Northern and Eastern Districts of California

District of Arizona

District of Colorado

Orange County Bar Association: President (1996); Officer (1993-1997); Board of Directors (1991-93), Member (present)

Governor Gavin Newsom’s Judicial Selection Advisory Committee for Orange County

Trustee, UC Hastings College of the Law Foundation (2012-2017)

OC Chapter of Federal Bar Association

Orange County Asian American Bar Association

UC Hastings College of the Law Alumni Association, Board of Governors (2010-2012)

Chapman University School of Law, Dean’s Board of Advisors (1995-2013)

Chancery Club of Los Angeles, member (invitation only) (2015-present)

State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization, Commissioner (2002-2005)

State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization, Criminal Law Advisory Commission Chair (1993-94), Vice-Chair (1992-93) and Commissioner (1990-92)

Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference, Lawyer Representative (1996-99)

Public Law Center of Orange County, Board of Directors (1995-2000)

California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Board of Governors (1992-93)

Master Bencher, American Inns of Court, William P. Gray Legion Lex Inn

Senior Research Attorney, Justice Edward Wallin, Calif. Court of Appeal, 4th District, Div. 2 (1989-92)

Board of Trustees, UC Berkeley Foundation (2023-    )

Chapman University, Board of Trustees (2012-2022)

Anti-Defamation League of OC & Long Beach, Regional Board Member (2008-present)

Teach Democracy, Board of Directors (2020-present)

Democratic Foundation of Orange County, Board of Directors (2000-present)

The California State Polytechnic University Humboldt Foundation, Board of Directors (2019-present)

Southern California chapter of the International Women’s Forum, Board of Directors (2014-2017)

Distinguished Fellow, University of California, Irvine, Center for Psychology & Law (2014-2016)

Life Member, The Sierra Club

Beverly Hills Bar Association Trial Skills Series, “Direct Exam of Lay Witnesses and Experts,” (July 9, 2024, Beverly Hills, CA)

Federal Bar Association, Orange County Chapter, “Beyond the Headlines: Litigating High-Profile Sexual Assault Claims in Federal Court,” (May 23, 2024, UC Irvine)

William P. Gray Legion Lex Inn of Court, “Anthony Rapp v. Kevin Spacey: A Back-to-Basics Success Story in a High Stakes, High Profile Media Jury Trial in a Federal Court in Manhattan,” presenter (2023)

Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles (WLALA), “28th Annual Litigators Forum,” (March 27, 2023)

The Rutter Group/California Judges’ Association, “Examining Trial Issues from A to Z: The Masters’ Perspective,” Professional Witnesses Take the Stand: Admissibility Issues After Sargon and Sanchez, panel with Justice Halim Dhanidina, Dana Alden Fox and Judge Michelle Williams Court (February 2020)

National Association of Women Lawyers, 15th General Counsel Institute, “Eliminating Bias and Leveraging Diversity: Lessons for Lawyers from War and Diplomacy,” panel with Nahal Kazemi (November 7, 2019, New York, NY)

California Lawyers Association, annual meeting, “Being Human in Trial: Establishing a Relationship with Your Jurors,” “Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame” series (October 10, 2019, Monterey, CA)

National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms’ (NAMWOLF), Annual Meeting & Law Firm Expo, “Shark Tank: Sink or Swim at Trial ,” (September 24, 2019, Los Angeles, CA)

Association of Corporate Counsel, Primer for Successful Litigation Management: “10 Ways Experienced Trial Counsel Can Help Your Company Obtain an Optimal and Efficient Settlement Without Going to Trial,” panel with Cheryl Diaz, Samuel N. Shapiro and Maureen Watson (May 16, 2019, Denver, CO)

Federal Bar Association of Orange County, Annual Civil Practice Seminar, “Trials and Error: Keys to Success and Avoiding Pitfalls at Trial,” panelist with Judge Josephine Staton, Chris Arledge and Kenneth Parker (May 14, 2019, Santa Ana, CA)

Banyard Inn of Court, “The Colonies Corruption Trial,” Costa Mesa, CA (03/28/2018)

The Rutter Group/California Judges’ Association, “Annual Advanced Civil Procedure Seminar,” e-discovery panel with Magistrate Judge Steve Kim, Orange County Superior Court Judge Glenda Sanders and attorney Bart Williams, Los Angeles, CA (02/10/2018)

Orange County Business Litigation Section, “Santa Claus on Trial,” Ms. Keller successfully defended Santa against claims of fraud, intentional infliction of emotional distress and trespassing brought by a disgruntled child and his mother after the child did not receive the gift he claimed Santa had promised him, and the mother claimed damage to her roof from Santa’s sled.  The plaintiffs were represented by attorney Daniel Callahan.  Newport Beach, CA (12/02/2016)

Consumer Attorneys of the Inland Empire and the Orange County Trial Lawyers Association, “Masters Panel” on damages, featuring Jennifer Keller, Mark Robinson, Wylie Aitken and Tom Girardi.  Ms. Keller’s topic was “Damages In The Plaintiff Business Case – “Humanizing” Your Company.” Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort in Rancho Mirage, CA (5/21/2016).

Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, 21st Annual Litigators Forum, “If I Could Pass Along One Important Lesson …” panel with Patti Glaser and Sharla Frost (4/21/2016)

California Judges Association/Rutter Group Advanced Civil Litigation Seminar, “A Conversation with the Trial Masters,” featuring Jennifer Keller, Tom Girardi and Tom Nolan (1/31/2015)

Practising Law Institute’s California Trial Advocacy 2014, “Jury Selection,” San Francisco, CA (7/31/2014)

Association of Business Trial Lawyers, Los Angeles Chapter, “Impeachment,” panelist, Los Angeles, CA (4/23/2014)

Association of Business Trial Lawyers, San Diego Chapter, “Cross-examination demonstration taken verbatim from the  Mattel v. MGA trial,”  San Diego, CA (2/04/2014)

National Trial Lawyers, Trial Summit on Prosecutorial Misconduct, “Tricks, Traps and Travesties: Keep Your Guard Up to Avoid,”  Miami, FL (1/21/2014)

Practising Law Institute’s California Trial Advocacy 2013, “Jury Selection,” San Francisco, CA (8/07/2013)

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Annual Trial Seminar, “Dealing with cross-cultural issues during jury selection,” San Francisco, CA (7/26/2013)

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, West Coast White Collar Seminar, Lake Tahoe, CA (6/6-7/2013)

Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, “Business Development,” Culver City, CA (4/30/2013)

Association of Business Trial Lawyers, Mock Trial Closing Argument in a Class Action Invasion of Privacy Case, Annual Hawaii Seminar (Kauai, October 2011);  “Barbie versus Bratz:  Inside the Dollywood Trial” (Orange County) November 2011, (Los Angeles) December 2011

Los Angeles Daily Journal and JAMS, “Top Verdicts of 2011 Roundtable” (broadcast live and recorded, Los Angeles, CA  5/16/2012)

Consumer Attorneys Association of California, Inland Empire, 2012 Palm  Springs Seminar, “Handling Media in the High-Exposure, Complex Case (Rancho Mirage, 4/28/2012)

“Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles, 2012 Las Vegas Seminar,” “Notable Closing Arguments from The Masters” (Las Vegas, 9/7/2012)

State Bar of California, Intellectual Property Section, “Strategies for Trying the Trade Secret Case,” (6/18/2012 Webinar)

American Inns of Court, “Barbie vs. Bratz: The Epic Doll Battle” Robert P. Banyard Inn (Costa Mesa 1/25/2012) Warren J. Ferguson Inn (Newport Beach 5/10/2012) William P. Gray Inn (Costa Mesa, 1/9/2013)

Orange County Trial Lawyers Association, Closing Argument Panel (2/2012)

Broadcom Corporation, “Perils of Attorney-Client Privilege with In-House Counsel,” In-House Counsel Group (2/14/2012), Irvine, CA, live and by webinar; International HR Conference (3/22/2012)

Litigation Counsel of America, Trial Lawyers’ Honorary Society, Keynote Speaker, Annual Meeting (Yountville, CA) Fall 2008

California Public Defenders Association, Homicide Seminar, 3/86 (OC); Sentencing Seminar, 12/89 (Sacramento); Faculty: Trial Skills Institute, 7/90 (San Diego); Advanced Trial Skills Institute 1/92 (Squaw Valley), 1/96 (Oxnard), 1/97 (Squaw Valley), 1/99 (Lake Tahoe), 2/02, 2/03 (Palm Springs); Annual Seminar, 4/92 (San Diego); “Establishing Trial Themes 4/04 (San Diego).

California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Prop. 115 Seminars, “Preliminary Hearings,” 6/90 (LA), 7/90 (SF, SD), 12/90 (SF). Faculty, Advanced Trial Advocacy Workshop,, 8/92 (Asilomar); Faculty, Trial & Appellate Advocacy Workshop, 7/93, 8/99 (Asilomar); Faculty, “Three Strikes Seminar,” 4/94 (Anaheim, Santa Monica); Faculty, Fall Seminar Appellate Program, “Oral Argument Demonstration,” 12/94 (San Francisco); “Voir Dire,” San Diego, 5/2001; “Cross-Examination of Experts”, Las Vegas (2004); Cross-Examination of Law Enforcement Witnesses, Annual Meeting, 12/09 (San Francisco).

Continuing Education of the Bar (CEB), “Expert Witnesses in Criminal Cases” (LA, Orange County) 6/96

360 Advocacy, “Cross-Examination of Law Enforcement Officers” (Las Vegas) 4/10

The Rutter Group, Criminal Law for Civil Practitioners (Irvine) 1/99

California State Bar Convention, White Collar Crime (Anaheim) 9/94

OCBA Lecturer or Panelist, “Advocacy in the Modern Trial,”(6/2001);  “When the FBI Calls” (1/2001, 1/2002);  “Over the Line:  White Collar Crime” (1/99);  “The Last 60 Days: Preparing Your Witnesses for Trial” (9/10/98); Winner, “Top Gun” Closing Argument Competition (5/19/98); “Closing Argument in Civil Cases,” (6/2005). “Making Rain in A Dry Season,”(10/09); “Ethical Issues in Mattel v. MGA,” OCBA Corporate Counsel Section (1/2012)

Demonstrative Evidence: Tell and Show,” Jennifer Keller and Chase Scolnick, (Litigation Journal, American Bar Association, Spring 2021)

Why You Should Hire a Trial Attorney for a Case That Will Never Go to Trial,” Jennifer Keller, (Orange County Business Journal, November 16, 2020)

The Waning Days of Sunshine in the Securities Class Action Plaintiffs’ Paradise,” Jennifer Keller and Jesse Gessin, (Orange County Business Journal, October 16, 2017)

September 19, 2023 – Hall of Fame: Jennifer Keller – Lawdragon Magazine

November 17, 2022 – Successful defense of Kevin Spacey was a case study in trial preparation – Daily Journal

October 20, 2022 – Kevin Spacey Found Not Liable in Civil Sexual-Misconduct Case Brought by ‘Rent’ Star Anthony Rapp – Wall Street Journal

October 20, 2022 – Kevin Spacey Is Cleared of Anthony Rapp’s Battery Claim – New York Times

October 20, 2022 – Closing Arguments – Kevin Spacey – Anthony Rapp Trial – Ana Chevalier

October 17, 2022 – Kevin Spacey testifies in his defense in civil trial – CNN

October 11, 2022- Kevin Spacey Lawyer Blitzes Anthony Rapp In Cross-Examination At $40M Civil Trial

October 8, 2022 – Kevin Spacey’s attorney takes aim at actor Anthony Rapp in trial opening statements

September 27, 2022 – Kevin Spacey Seeks to Limit Testimony of Expert Witness From Ghislaine Maxwell Case

January 7, 2022 – 2021 Irish Legal 100, “Premium Keller”

September 15, 2021 – Daily Journal – “Profile of Jennifer Keller, Top 100 Lawyer in California”

August 9, 2021 – CashCall’s $1B suit against Katten Muchin settles on eve of trial

August 9, 2021 – Katten Muchin Strikes Tentative Settlement in Legal Malpractice Lawsuit

July 20, 2021 – Ericsson, TCL Settle Wireless Tech Patent Licensing Battle

July 12, 2021 – Katten Faces $950M Malpractice Lawsuit After Judge Rejects D.C. Damages Rule

September 16, 2020 – Daily Journal – “Profile of Jennifer Keller, Top 100 Lawyer in California”

March 3, 2020 – Coronavirus Chaos – The feds back off an idea to house patients in a Costa Mesa facility close to Orange Coast

February 25, 2020 – Judge orders talks over plans to move virus patients to a California city

February 24, 2020 – A Rare Legal Battle: Can a State Force a City to House Coronavirus Patients?

February 21, 2020 – Costa Mesa gets court order to keep Fairview Developmental Center from use as coronavirus quarantine site

September 18, 2019 – Daily Journals list of “The Top 100 Lawyers in California”

July 26, 2019 – Commentary: Mayor Foley’s foresight bodes well for her constituents

March 27, 2019 – “Daily Journal” CLAY Award profile – “Writing the legal blueprint for cities as it relates to sober-living homes”

January 11, 2019 – Keller Anderle & Scolnick case makes list of “Top 10 Most Impressive Verdicts of 2018”

March 19, 2018 – Jennifer Keller featured in Orange County Business Journal’s “Law Firms Special Report”

February 28, 2018 – Law 360 – MassMutual Didn’t Stiff Policyholder Class, Jury Finds

February 23, 2018 – Law 360 – Expert’s Calculations Are Focus At Close Of MassMutual Trial – Jennifer Keller gives closing argument

January 30, 2018 – “Southern California Super Lawyers” magazine – feature article “The Trial Specialist” 

November 9, 2017 – Anthony Pellicano Severed From Anita Busch’s Trial Against Michael Ovitz

October 25, 2017 – Daily Journal selects Keller Anderle & Scolnick to “Top Boutiques” list

August 29, 2017 – “CBS News” 3 of 4 Defendants Found Not Guilty in 2011 Corruption Case

August 29, 2017 – “Inland Empire Daily Bulletin” – Not Guilty: Developer, Two Former Officials are Acquitted in Years Long Case

August 29, 2017 – “The Press Enterprise” – Colonies Corruption Trial: Not Guilty

August 29, 2017 – “US News” – 3 Not Guilty in Long San Bernardino County Corruption Trial 

August 29, 2017 – “The Sun” – 3 of 4 Colonies corruption defendants found not guilty on all charges

May 31, 2017 – “The Sun” – Credibility of key witness in Colonies trial challenged

May 30, 2017 – “The Sun” – Defense attorney grills key Colonies trial witness on his dishonesty

May 17, 2017 – “The Sun” – Colonies key witness says he’s ‘100 percent certain’ there were no bribes

May 10, 2017 – “The Sun” – Postmus refused to acknowledge PAC contributions as bribes in Colonies case

May 4, 2017 – “The Sun” – Defense attorney suggests Postmus giving coached testimony in Colonies corruption trial

March 11, 2017 – “San Bernardino County Sentinel” Gonzales’ Misdating Of China Trip Throws Her Account Into Question, “… Within that hour, Keller made considerable progress in dismantling all, or at least much, of what the prosecution had established with Gonzales …

March 8, 2017 – “The Sun” – Colonies corruption trial – Jennifer Keller cross-examines County Supervisor

March 7, 2017 – “The Sun” – Supervisor Gonzales testifies about China trip in Colonies corruption trial

June 23, 2016, Orange County Bar Association recognizes Jennifer Keller for “Lawdragon” selection

March 14, 2016, Orange County Bar Association recognizes Jennifer Keller for “American College of Trial Lawyers” selection

February 19, 2016, Orange County Bar Association recognizes Jennifer Keller and Kay Anderle for “Southern California Super Lawyers” selections

May 13, 2015: Daily Journal lists Jennifer Keller to list of California’s “Top Women Lawyers” for 7th time

February 26, 2015: Jennifer Keller named to Lawdragon list of top “500 Leading Lawyers in America”

September 15, 2014, “Orange County Bar Association congratulates Jennifer Keller and other OCBA members for ‘Top 100’ Lawyers achievement”

September 10, 2014, Jennifer Keller recognized on list of “Top 100 Lawyers in California” by the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals

May 7, 2014, Jennifer Keller selected to “Top Women Lawyers of California” list by the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals

September 21, 2013, Human-trafficking case against Saudi princess dismissed — Keller and defense team successful

May 8, 2013, Los Angeles & San Francisco Daily Journal, “Top Women Lawyers”

April 18, 2013, Los Angeles Daily Journal, “S&P enlists heavyweights in DOJ suit”

September 12, 2012, Jennifer Keller selected once again as one of “Top 100 Lawyers in California”

August 26, 2012, LawDragon 500 “Lawyer Limelight” interview of Jennifer Keller (PDF); or see LawDragon web version

February 20, 2012, San Francisco Recorder Attorneys of the Year for 2011 (Jennifer Keller)

September 27, 2011, Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals, Jennifer Keller selected as one of “The Top 100 Lawyers in California”

June 13, 2011, National Law Journal video of Jennifer Keller by Amanda Bronstein