
Our lawyers are brilliant thinkers and strategists with a practical bent. But no one wins jury trials without finely tuned intuition. We have that, too. Our core trial teams have been together for years. We approach our cases with surgical precision, each member of the team executing his or her role expertly.


Our diverse firm of women and men of many ethnicities and cultures includes some of the best minds in the profession – and some of the most intuitive.

Jennifer L. Keller
Jennifer L. KellerPartner
Kay Anderle
Kay AnderleManaging Partner
Chase A. Scolnick
Chase A. ScolnickPartner
Benjamin R. Barron
Benjamin R. BarronPartner
Jeremy Stamelman
Jeremy StamelmanPartner
Shaun A. Hoting
Shaun A. HotingPartner
Jay Barron
Jay BarronPartner
Bradley E. Marrett
Bradley E. MarrettPartner
Anand Sambhwani
Anand SambhwaniPartner
Gregory M. Sergi
Gregory M. SergiSenior Counsel
Craig Harbaugh
Craig HarbaughSenior Counsel
Nahal Kazemi
Nahal KazemiOf Counsel
Justin J. Calderon
Justin J. CalderonAssociate
Stephanie K. Lind
Stephanie K. LindE-Discovery Associate
Samantha J. Flattery
Samantha J. FlatterySenior Associate
Charlotte H. Rose
Charlotte H. RoseAssociate